I created a flyer for other parents considering changing their children's diet to whole food purees. |
In March 2011, we found out our middle daughter has kidney disease. I was 4 months pregnant with our third (who actually came 6 weeks early and spent one month in the hospital). Our four-year-old was scheduled for a tonsillectomy the day I went in to labor. So why would I add purèeing to our lives when the can of formula is so easy? Because purèeing has actually simplified our lives. Before purèes, our daughter had constant diarrhea and frequent vomiting (three to four times per week). That was our normal life. At one point her throwing up became so frequent (at least two or three times per day) she ended up becoming dehydrated and was hospitalized. It was around that time we were given a Vitamix blender. I had heard about other families purèeing and thought I’d give it a try just to see if her bowels would feel better on real food (and because I hated the smell of recycled formula). From the moment we started purèes she has had normal bowel movements (anyone who’s child has struggled on formula will know how exciting that can be). Her throwing up is down to once every few weeks. Not only does she feel better but we do, too! I’m excited about how food purèes have improved our lives and the life of our daughter. It has reduced stress, laundry, and middle-of-the-night enteral pump alarms (we now do daytime boluses). Making purèes takes some preparation, but it has actually reduced our overall work.