
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another day, another infusion and Ada takes steps

Eve calls the warming packs her "robot arms".
I'm up late browsing Craigslist for another pack n' play. The final straw was packing all family members into the car by 7am with all but the kitchen sink, pulling out of the driveway saying to Keith "we're late" and realizing I forgot the pack n' play. Ada needed it for her nap at our friends Tarah and Chad Voss's house. She and Marilouise were spending the morning there so that Evelyn and I could go to Children's in peace (an IV in the infusion clinic and noisy siblings do not mix). So back we pulled into our driveway and I raced to the top of our three-story townhouse to fetch the necessary item. As we pulled back out of the driveway Keith informs me that his head will explode if we don't stop for caffeine because we were out of coffee this morning. Starbucks fulfilled its duty--crisis averted. So off we ran (if you haven't "run" in a car you do not have children) with pack n' play and coffee in hand to sunny Beacon Hill, where Marilouise and Ada could stay happy, bouncy, and noisy. Our next stop was the University of Washington Living Donor clinic for the last of Keith's donor tests. Keith had the privilege of purposely ingesting radioactive material. He still looks normal but I guess I'll know when I turn out the lights. Evelyn and Mommy's final destination was Children's for an iron infusion (3 of 4). Amazingly, we all made it to our places on time. Amazingly, it felt peaceful in a chaotic sort of way. And now I'm on a mission--chasing down a pack n' play so it can be a little more peaceful and a little less chaotic.

Bonus material:
Smallest Sherman decides walking may be interesting. If you can ignore annoying mommy voice over Ada is really cute.

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